Areas of Practice



Divorce is stressful. The unknown is scary. If you are in an unhappy marriage I promise you that whatever the financial hurdles you may face will not out weight the emotional happiness you will have on the other side.



Did you know that father’s do not have parental rights for your child until the court adjudicates you as the father in a court proceeding? That the mother is presumed the custodial parent until such time that a court order is entered otherwise? Did you know that if you sign the Voluntarily Acknowledgement of Paternity at the birth of the child and later found out that you are not the father, you could still be liable for child support? Call me to discuss your rights and how to protect you.

Child Support


Child support law in Illinois has changed. The court now considers the income of both parties and the amount of parenting time each party has with the child. It is no longer a flat percentage. This change requires knowledge and consideration. Make sure you are not over paying or receiving less than you should.



Unfortunately many grandparents/ aunts/ siblings are caring for their family members for a variety of reasons. I personally had guardianship of my three neices and nephew so I understand the process in and out. Please call me to discuss how to protect the children you care for including how to secure their stability, how to get child support and protect the child from abusive parents.

Related Adoption


The happiest area of law! The related adoption happens when a step-parent wants to make the child legally their own. Did you know that if a biological parent is absent from the child’s life for three months you can move forward to terminate their rights and not necessarily need their permission for the adoption to proceed?

Parental Responsibilities


Formally known as custody. Illinois law has had major changes in this area. There is no longer the term “custody” Now the court determine whether religion, education, healthcare and extracurricular activities are shared or sole decisions. The goal is to take away the possession of the child, to make parents equal and have equal say when both are involved and loving parents.